Saturday, April 3, 2010

In the beginning an Artist emerged!

So, creating a Blog is very mucuh like creating a painting...first you must familiarize yourself with the medium, materials,etc ... and do expect the unexpected! As you can see I now have to seek out the answer to correct the Art& ...? What happened? Who know but eh cyper god and goddess of the internet realm!

Nevertheless, let's move on to preparing the canvas for the master piece ... never underestimate the value of working on a canvas that has been prepared properly.


Marterial: Canvas (your choice of linen or cotton, but quality is important)
Acrylic Gesso
Golden Mediums: GAC 400
Golden Mediums: GAC 100
foam brush (x2)opitonal, or use what you want
fine sandpaper or the foam sandpaper square

Store: Delta Art in Edmonton and any hardware store for the foam brushes and sandpaper.

Steps: 1. Coat the back of your canvas with GAC 400 in the down direction, let dry, then apply another coat going across. Purpose: Stiffens the canvas and provides extra strength.
2. Coat the front of your canvas with GAC 100, same as above, using your foam brush stroking in down direction for the first layer, let dry, then across for the second layer. Purpose: Sealing the canvas so that the oils don't seep through.
3. Next, coat the front/ and sides if you are painting them too, of your canvas with the Acrylic Gesso ... again going in one direction with steady strokes. Let dry, then lightly sand. Dust off and repeat the step again if desired. I usually do at least two layers, although when needing a very smooth surface I repeat this five times. Experiment and find out what surface works best for you.

Yes, there are people who will tell you that they just purchase the canvas and paint, well if it works for them... great! For myself, I love quality, I love to know that when someone purchase my paintings, they will last and provide continuous quality of showing for life times.

Also, being a parent and in a long-erm relationship, I am continuous creating a balance between time shared. For those of you who are able to submerge yourself in the studio without other time sharing commitments, remember to take the time to be with people who support and encourage you. You can paint, you can be yourself, and the canvas is your means to share with the world your insight of life.

Breathe, believe, and soar with that brush!!!!

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